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Examples of Simple Present Tense Expressions for Common Tasks

Balancing Life as a College Student: My Daily Routine

In the morning, I usually wake up at 5 o'clock. I start my day by praying to God and thanking Him for another day of life. After that, I do a 30-minute exercise to get my body moving and energized for the day ahead. I also take care of household chores like washing clothes, sweeping the floor, and washing the dishes. I don't do the chores if I'm sick, and my parents take care of them instead. If I have a morning class, I take a quick shower at 05.35 am and then head out to campus by motorcycle. Some days, if I'm sick or my parents use the bike, they take me to campus instead.

Once I arrive on campus, I go to my class and attend my lectures. Between types, I often wait on the campus and study or socialize with my classmates. College life is very different from high school, and there is much more flexibility in my college schedule. But I keep pushing through and making the most of my time in college. I try to finish all my assignments before the due date, but sometimes I fall sick, making me a bit late. However, my parents and family always support me and motivate me to keep trying, even when I feel unwell. I always pray to God to give me strength and recovery.

I usually go home at 03.00 pm and take a short rest before continuing with my studies. If I'm feeling unwell, I sometimes go to the doctor for a check-up at 05.00 pm. After that, I continue with my studies, focusing on the subjects that I find the most challenging. Currently, I'm studying accounting, which is very different from my background in natural science. But I know that I have to put in the effort and time to learn this subject, as it will pay off in the end with good grades. I usually sleep at 10.00 pm, after a long and productive day.

In the evening, I like to spend time with my family. We have dinner together and share our day's experiences. After dinner, I do household chores like cleaning and helping my parents with their work. I also like to watch TV or read books in my free time, to unwind and relax after a long day. Sometimes, I play video games or chat with friends online to connect with them and stay in touch.

During weekends, I enjoy spending time away from home by engaging in outdoor activities such as walking in the park, visiting loved ones, or shopping. Additionally, I like to relax by watching a movie or doing other leisurely pursuits. I strive to make the most of my weekends by engaging in activities that bring me happiness and spending quality time with the people who matter to me.

Aside from my daily routine, I also stay active and healthy by eating nutritious meals and staying hydrated. I make sure to eat breakfast every day, which is the most important meal of the day, and I include a variety of fruits and vegetables in my diet. I also limit my intake of junk food and sugary drinks, as they can harm my health and well-being.

In addition to taking care of my physical health, I also focus on my mental health. I manage stress by practicing mindfulness and meditation and also make time for self-reflection and self-care. I must take care of myself physically and mentally to be the best version of myself.

After a long day at college and studying in the evening, I usually wind down and prepare for bed. At 10.00 pm, I get plenty of rest to wake up refreshed and ready for another busy day. Before I go to sleep, I reflect on my day, what I have accomplished, and what I still need to do. I also pray to God for guidance and protection, asking for strength and wisdom to face any challenges that may come my way. Resting well is an essential part of maintaining my overall health and well-being, and it helps me stay focused and motivated as I continue to pursue my education and reach my goals.

Overall, my daily life balances study, work, and leisure.

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